Friday 14 August 2015


My earliest introduction to arts and crafts was watercolour classes but it is something I never felt particularly good at it. I think you need to be an artist and I am not particularly arty or good at drawing.  I think I am more of a crafts person really which is why I enjoy cardmaking and other hobbies.

Bearing in mind that I like the effect of watercolours, and prefer this medium to many others, I was quite excited to discover something that can be used in a similar way to watercolours and that is Brushos.

Brushos are a brilliantly intense paint powder that come in small plastic pots.  Brushos are made in the UK, Surrey and have been around a while but have slipped under my radar until recently.  They come in small plastic pots.  You can either mix the powder with water and use like watercolour paint with a paint brush or apply to your card stock either before or after spritzing it with a fine mist of water.

If you intend to work loosely with this product it is recommended that you pierce a small hole into the lid as opposed to opening completely to avoid spillage.  A small hole is adequate as you only need the tiniest amount to work with.    

There are different ways of using your Brushos as I mentioned above and I would like to show you my creations where I have first sprinkled the paint crystals onto the card stock then sprayed with water.   Instead of relying on my own drawing skills, I have used stamps to build the artwork into a picture.

Here are my first few attempts.  Once you start to combine them with stamps they make a really cool background to your images.

Stamp: Inspired by Banksy - Hope

Wildflowers SA-5029 stamps by Stamp Addicts

 Stamp: Inspired by Banksy - Hope

 Wildflowers SA-5029 stamps by Stamp Addicts

Stamp: Inspired by Banksy - Swing

Stamp: by Stampendous

There are videos available on YouTube providing demonstrations.

The videos I enjoyed came from Bee Crafty whilst watching the Great British Craft Network (

Bee Crafty have their one webpage and blog which is worth visiting

I hope you enjoyed my artwork. If so, do spare a moment and comment on my blog page.  Thank you, Crafty Tash

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